Contacts and links

Here is a list of blogs and web pages that I highly recommend:

The Big Body Edit - My other blog, tracking my progress on my Fit for 30 campaign.

KMJ Photography - KMJ Photography is a collection of dynamic photography from visual artist Katherine Lockett. Strong compositions, delicate play with natural light, and a distinct way of capturing the essence and atmosphere of the subject make for a superb collection of available to buy artworks.

Writer's Little Helper - Writer's Little Helper is the blog of author Jessica Patient, an old study colleague and constant inspiration. Jessica's musings so often reflect my own feelings on writing and its process that I have been known to find the answers on her blog to questions I haven't yet asked.

Carolyn Bailey Art - The home of Carolyn J Bailey's professional artworks. Specialising in animal portraiture, Carolyn is a talented and wonderful artist who holds a special place in my heart.

The Ultimate Book Guide - Here you will find the literary musings of three people: Leonie Flynn, Daniel Hahn, and Susan Reuben - editors of the Ultimate Book Guide series. A great guide if you are looking for recommendations. I have been known to scribble a review or two for the blog, and can attest to how useful the book guides really are!

Pencil and Spoon - Home of The British Guild of Beer Writers New Media Writer of the Year 2009The British Guild of Beer Writers New Media Writer of the Year 2009, Mark Dredge.

More to come.