Well I'm a little behind in keeping my blog up-to-date. The last month has been an odd combination of creative endeavours. I spent four very busy days working on a submission for an innovative form magazine. It involved a lot of illustrating in a short space of time.
Sadly the submission was rejected, but I wasn't surprised. The piece is nigh on un-publishable, as the form is so very different from the norm, and the single piece was longer than their magazine!
I pushed to complete it more for the act of finishing and submitting a piece of work. Needless to say it was nice to experience the act of submission properly, and it's my first rejection! Probably the first of many, but at least that means I'm writing.
Since then I have been spinning my wheels a little. I can't decide what to work on next. I have been reading a lot of books to find some inspiration, but am struggling. I have instead focused my attention on physical creative exploits. I have started a project to modify my computer hardware into a 'Steampunk' or 'Vicmod' style to better suit my writing desk. I have invested in the majority of materials needed to rebuild my monitor, but need to wait for next month's pay to finish buying them. I have converted an old kerosene lamp to electric, which sits by my bed with a flickering candle bulb inside. Not a lot of light, but a nice addition in the evening.
The modifications are challenging, and I'm learning a lot more about electronics and working in metal. They are also expensive in time and money, and I'm a little worried I'm putting too much time into them.
I have it in my head to finish and submit another piece of fiction in the next month or so. I have a more conventional piece of writing from my Mres that could be tweaked and redone with only a week's work.
I just can't seem to focus myself at the moment. The dreaded 'What is it I'm trying to achieve?' question has reared itself in my head again. The sensible part of my brain is telling me to get a full-time job, finish my savings, and move back to the seaside. Certainly I would be happier (have more money, friends, maybe a girlfriend) on a day to day basis, but wouldn't have the time to write. If I am serious about being a writer, it makes sense to stick it out here...
I think I'm just struggling to blow into my own sails at the moment. It can be hard to push forward when you have no help, and moving back to the coast seems so very appealing. Truthfully it's not worth running away. I need to tough it out and see what I can get done.
This post seems to have turned more into a stream of conciousness moan. Not quite what I had intended. I shall wrap it up on the resolution to get the next piece of fiction written and submitted. I will endeavour to blog more regularly on how it's going.
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